Maks HB LLM Arena
♥ x 24
Aa x 0
Rules ▼
This is a game in which Maks has to compete with his own Goals in an arena controlled by LLM to determine who is the best.
You control a Maks actions and can help yourself win by typing anything you think can help or needed to achieve the goal.
The goal is to win using as few characters as possible. Base prize stack is 10000$!
Failed attempt cost one life.
In later levels, there are tougher Goals and better defense.
At the end You will recieve your congratulations. If you prove you worth it.
You control a Maks actions and can help yourself win by typing anything you think can help or needed to achieve the goal.
The goal is to win using as few characters as possible. Base prize stack is 10000$!
Failed attempt cost one life.
In later levels, there are tougher Goals and better defense.
At the end You will recieve your congratulations. If you prove you worth it.